
Atelier mécanique

National workshop of INSU (Institut National des Sciences de l'Univers), we realize mechanical parts of high precision for national and international projects: on the ground like ALMA, MUSE, and MATISSE as well as in the spatial field like HERSCHEL, EXOMARS, SUPERCAM.

For all these major projects, we develop close collaborations with other astrophysical laboratories (CRAL, OCA, IRAP ...).

Current members
Jean-Christophe Bouquier

Jean-Christophe Bouquier

Fabrice Glize

Fabrice Glize

Alain Triffaux

Alain Triffaux

Pascal Truchelut

Pascal Truchelut

Daphné Caillot

Daphné Caillot

Old members
Mathieu Braga

CNRS apprentice

Mathieu Braga

Our business is in precision engineering.

Studies done in CAD (Computer Aided Design) on CATIA software and manufacture of assemblies for local or international projects realized in partnership with the  Electronics team of the LAB.

Realization of complex parts that can range from micromechanics to parts of much larger volume made at the request of different laboratories.

All these projects are carried out on conventional machines or on a 5-axis vertical machining center with numerical control programmed using a CATIA CAD / CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing Design).

The control of our parts is carried out either with conventional metrology instruments or with the aid of a three-dimensional measuring machine.