
Service administratif et financier (SAF)


Members of the administration

Cécile Arnaudin 05 40 00 36 12

  • Management in spending of teams AMOR, ASP, Eclipse, Electronics, Direction,
  • Laboratory Logistics Manager


Annick Capéran 05 40 00 37 08

  • Financial and Administrative Manager 
  • Human Resource Management
  • Budget

Odile Derouaisné 05 40 00 34 96

  • Management in spending of teams M2A, Formation Stellaire, Centre de Documentation, Equipe Mécanique
  • Management in spendings in computer science,
  • Purchasing Card Management

Nathalie Le Roux 05 40 00 31 97

  • Management of  COST Origins
  • Management of trainees
  • Secretariat of the Steering Committee and the Laboratory Board