
Emmanuel Dartois – Non-thermal cosmic ray desorption of ices mantles and complex organic molecules @ Zoom
Juin 18 @ 11 h 00 min – 12 h 00 min

Title: Non-thermal cosmic ray desorption of ices mantles and complex organic molecules
Speaker: Emmanuel Dartois (Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d’Orsay (ISMO))


In the dense and cold zones of the interstellar medium, dust grains are covered with volatile solids, the interstellar ice mantles, which are relatively protected from ambient radiation fields external to dense clouds. However, cosmic radiation consisting of high-energy particles can penetrate deeply into these clouds and induces complex chemistry through its direct interaction (radiolysis), or indirect photolysis of dust grains (production of a secondary vacuum ultraviolet VUV radiation field by interaction with the gas, mainly molecular hydrogen).
The chemical evolution observed in high-density regions, from dense clouds to protoplanetary disks, and the release of species condensed on dust grains, is one key parameter to be taken into account in interpretations of both observations and models. Cosmic-ray-induced sputtering is one of the important desorption mechanisms at work in such astrophysical environments.
In this talk I will briefly describe the evolution, and the results based on laboratory experiments of interstellar ices analogues exposed to CRs simulated on particles accelerators, in the electronic regime of interaction, with a focus on the sputtering of ice mantles in an astrophysical context.
Laure Bouscasse – Molecular diversity of early-stage high-mass protostars: evidence for a deeply embedded hot corino phase? @ B18N, Salle Univers
Oct 15 @ 11 h 00 min – 12 h 00 min

Title: Molecular diversity of early-stage high-mass protostars: evidence for a deeply embedded hot corino phase?
Speaker: Laure Bouscasse (IRAM)

Abstract:During star formation the molecular gas undergoes significant chemical evolution leading to a molecular richness at the emergence of hot cores. The chemical formation pathways even for simpler molecules are debated. Using a spectral survey between 159GHz and 374GHz with the APEX telescope, we investigated a sample of 6 massive clumps dominated by a single collapsing massive object down to 400au scales. In all 6 sources of the sample, on average 40 species were found. Through LTE modeling we could constrain the physical origin of these species within the envelope. While some objects exhibit a clear structure with a well-defined warm gas phase, some remain mostly cold with warm gas traced only by methanol and methyl cyanide. The molecular composition of the sample is remarkably similar: their molecular content is composed of the simplest molecules and the most complex ones in the cold component of envelope for all our objects. However, some differences in the molecular emission are found in the deuterated molecules, S-bearing molecules, and the COMs. Towards the warm component, the comparison of the relative molecular abundances shows an emerging warm gas phase with high molecular abundances for dimethyl ether, methyl formate, formamide, and the cyanides. Finally in our objects, we found similar relative abundances for O-bearing molecules relative to CH3OCH3 while cyanides exhibit remarkably higher abundances relative to CH3CN compared to hot corinos. Altogether we could characterize a phase preceeding the emergence of bright hot cores resembling in many aspects a deeply embedded hot corino phase in the emergence of high-mass protostars.

Naïs Fargette – What are the magnetic switchbacks observed by the mission Parker Solar Probe ? @ B18N, Salle Univers
Oct 19 @ 11 h 00 min – 12 h 00 min

Title: What are the magnetic switchbacks observed by the mission Parker Solar Probe ?
Speaker: Naïs Fargette (Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planetologie)


Near the Sun, the solar wind magnetic field is dominated by Alfvénic structures that undergo reversals of the radial magnetic field while keeping a constant strahl and constant magnetic field amplitude as well. They are called magnetic switchbacks and are interpreted as accelerated folds on the magnetic field in the solar wind. They were observed by numerous missions (Wind, Ulysses, Solar Orbiter) and were most striking in Parker Solar Probe data, below 0.3 AU. Their origin is still debated and scenarii include interchange reconnection at the Sun’s surface, propagation of alfvenic waves and a turbulence driven phenomenon. In this talk I will present some characteristics of the switchback structures, give an overview of the existing formation theories and describe the latest results on the topic.

Ignasi Pérez-Ràfols / Santi Roca-Fàbrega – Lyman alpha/disk dwarf stars @ B18N, Salle Univers
Oct 22 @ 11 h 30 min – 13 h 00 min

Title: The bimodal A(Li) distribution of Milky Way’s thin disk dwarf stars and the Galactic scale events

Speaker: Santi Roca-Fàbrega (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

Abstract: The lithium abundance, A(Li), in stellar atmospheres suffers from various enhancement and depletion processes during the star’s lifetime. While several studies have demonstrated that these processes are linked to the physics of stellar formation and evolution, the role that Galactic-scale events play in the galactic A(Li) evolution is not yet well understood. In this talk I will show that the observed A(Li) bi-modal distribution, in particular in the FGK-dwarf population of field stars, is not a statistical artefact but it is a consequence of a particular Milky Way star formation history profile combined with the stellar evolution’s 7Lii depletion mechanisms. I will show that A(Li) evolution can be used as an additional proxy for the star formation history of our Galaxy.


Title: Cosmology (& astrophysics) with the Lyman alpha forest
Speaker: Ignasi Pérez-Ràfols (Sorbonne Université, Laboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Energies)

Abstract: The acceleration of the expansion rate of the Universe is yet to be explained. Several models, including LCDM, try to explain this acceleration. LCDM bases its explanation on a mysterious dark energy, adding up to ~75% of the total energy density of the Universe. Other models present modified theories of gravity to explain this effect. But which one is correct? The expansion history of the Universe is a great observable to discriminate between these models. I will talk about measurements of this expansion history at redshift greater than 2 using BAO with the Lyman alpha forest. I will talk about the most recent results from eBOSS, and also from the next generation of surveys that is currently starting: DESI and WEAVE. I will talk about how improving our knowledge of the Lyman alpha forest can help us not only with answering our cosmological questions, but also with our understanding on galaxy evolution.

Thomas Nony – How do stars get their mass? Understanding the origin of the IMF from the mass distribution of cores @ B18N, Salle Renaudot (216)
Nov 9 @ 11 h 00 min – 12 h 00 min

Title: How do stars get their mass? Understanding the origin of the IMF from the mass distribution of cores
Speaker: Dr. Thomas Nony (UNAM)


The origin of stellar masses is one of the most central open issues in astrophysics. In this talk, I will introduce the ALMA-IMF Large Program, whose goal is to determine if and how the origin of the Initial Mass Function (IMF) depends on the cloud characteristics. Its first results, obtained from a large sample of cores without significant bias, suggest that mass distribution of cores (CMFs) in high-mass proto-clusters generally do not follow the canonical IMF.
I will also present our recent detailed studies of the W43-MM2&MM3 molecular complex. We propose that top-heavy CMFs are associated with spatially and temporally limited bursts of star formation. In addition, the identification of outflows in CO(2-1) enables us to assess that a very large fraction of the excess high-mass cores are protostellar. This confirms that the high-mass prestellar core phase, if it exists, is evanescent. Interestingly, protostellar outflows in W43 have also shown clear evidence of episodicity, bringing new elements toward the understanding of episodic accretion.
Laetitia Rodet – Shaping Extrasolar Systems with Giant Planets @ Zoom
Nov 19 @ 14 h 00 min – 15 h 00 min

Title: Shaping Extrasolar Systems with Giant Planets
Speaker: Laetitia Rodet (Department of Astronomy, Cornell University )


In the last decades, exoplanet surveys have revealed the presence of giant planets (Jupiter-sized or larger) orbiting at least 5 % of Sun-like stars. This percentage will likely increase in the near future, in particular with the coming data releases of the Gaia mission. Due to their mass, giant planets have a significant impact on the dynamics of the entire planetary system. First insights on their architecture show larger eccentricities and inclinations than the smaller planets, and orbital periods ranging from hours (hot Jupiters) to years (cold Jupiters), and even thousands of years.

In this talk, I will present how giant planets shape the architecture of extrasolar systems, in particular the orbits of fellow giant planet companions, inner super Earths, moons and planetesimals. I will compare analytical expectations, N-body simulations, and actual observations, focusing especially on directly imaged-systems. Giant planets can directly perturb their environment through secular interactions, scattering or resonances. Moreover, cold Jupiters are sensitive to the close flybys of neighboring stars. The occasional kicks that those flybys induce can significantly change a giant planet orbit, which will then impact the rest of the planetary system. This phenomenon could be linked to the formation of hot Jupiters, the misalignment of inner super Earths or the asymmetries in debris disks.

Jaques Kluska – Disks around evolved binaries: do they form second-generation planets? @ B18N, Salle Univers
Déc 3 @ 11 h 00 min – 12 h 00 min

Title: Disks around evolved binaries: do they form second-generation planets?
Speaker: Jaques Kluska (KU Leuven)


Most of the planets were formed around young stars. But can they also form around dying stars? 
The origin of the diversity and complexity of the detected exoplanetary systems stems from how they form in protoplanetary disks. These disks are intensively studied around young stars thanks to the high-angular resolution provided by recent instruments (VLT, ALMA). However, similar disks are also found around evolved stars, namely post-AGB binaries, raising the exciting but yet unanswered possibility of second-generation planet formation. Do planets form around evolved stars? While this question has only been tackled theoretically in the past, we have now the possibility to probe such second-generation planet formation by observations using high angular resolution instruments.
In this talk I will show the latest results of an extensive high angular resolution observing campaign of these disks using infrared interferometry at the VLTI (PIONIER, GRAVITY, MATISSE). I will show that these disks share many similarities with protoplanetary disks around young stars.
These disks are, therefore, a unique laboratory to test planet formation processes in a parameter space that is unmet around young stars (e.g., short disk lifetime, high stellar luminosity, lack of influence from the environment).
Whether or not planet formation is possible at the end of stellar evolution, studying it in a very different parameter space will provide an unprecedented test to current planet formation theories. 
Ileyk el Mellah – Circumbinary envelope and wind mass transfer: from cool evolved stars to high-mass X-ray binaries @ B18N, Salle Univers
Déc 14 @ 11 h 00 min – 12 h 00 min

Title: Circumbinary envelope and wind mass transfer: from cool evolved stars to high-mass X-ray binaries
Speaker: Ileyk el Mellah (IPAG)


Stellar multiplicity has been recognized as a ubiquitous feature: stars seldom live an effectively single life. In the late stellar evolutionary stages, mass loss plays a major role while interaction with an orbiting companion can leave remarkable imprints in the circumbinary envelope and influence the final fate of the system. In binaries, whether the outflows are line-driven from a blue supergiant or dust-driven from a red giant, the flow morphology shares common features which shed light on the launching mechanism. High spatial and spectral resolution instruments have identified arcs and spirals around cool evolved stars which suggest the presence of underlying (sub-)stellar companions. On the other hand, in high-mass X-ray binaries, time-resolved spectroscopy over multiple orbits reveals how the clumpy wind is disrupted and accreted by the compact object.

In this talk, I will present simulations of mass transfer mediated by dust and line-driven winds in binaries. With the mesh-based radiative magneto-hydrodynamics code MPI-AMRVAC, we designed a versatile 3D setup suitable to capture the wind dynamics. In high mass X-ray binaries, we can follow the wind over several orders of magnitude as it is accreted onto the compact object. I will show how the compact object can also be used as an orbiting X-ray backlight whose shimmering betrays the structure of the foreground absorbing material. Around cool evolved stars, these simulations are extended up to several 10 orbital separations at an affordable computational cost, thanks to adaptive mesh refinement. For different dust chemical content, they can reproduce the morpho-kinematics properties we extracted from ALMA’s multi-channel molecular line emission maps. In both cases, I will describe how mass transfer redistributes angular momentum and can lead to orbital inspiral.

Sylvie Vauclair – The fate of planetary systems @ B18N, Salle Univers
Mar 16 @ 11 h 00 min – 12 h 00 min

The seminar will be in French with the slides shown in English.

Title: La fin des systèmes planétaires/The fate of planetary systems

Speaker: Sylvie Vauclair (IRAP)


On étudie beaucoup la formation des systèmes planétaires, qu’en est-il de leur disparition ? L’étude des naines blanches apporte des informations importantes sur ce sujet. Après les épisodes d’expansion spectaculaire des étoiles dans les phases ultimes de leur existence, que reste-t-il de leurs systèmes planétaires ? Des disques de débris ont été découverts autour de nombreuses naines blanches. Des petits corps, de type astéroïde, encore présents dans le disque, sont épisodiquement détruits par effet de marée avant de tomber dans l’étoile. L’atmosphère est ainsi polluée en éléments lourds, dans des proportions montrant qu’il s’agit bien de restes d’anciens systèmes planétaires. Les simulations numériques du processus d’accrétion sur la naine blanche permettent d’évaluer le taux d’accrétion et d’estimer la masse des corps désintégrés. De récentes observations en rayon x confortent ce scénario.


Etienne Bachelet – Détection d’exoplanètes froides dans toute la Voie Lactée avec les microlentilles gravitationnelles
Mar 18 @ 11 h 00 min – 12 h 00 min

Title: Détection d’exoplanètes froides dans toute la Voie Lactée avec les microlentilles gravitationnelles
Speaker: Etienne Bachelet


Depuis une vingtaine d’années, des dizaines d’exoplanètes « froides » ont été détectées à plusieurs kilo-parsecs de la Terre grâce aux microlentilles gravitationnelles. La grande majorité ont été observées en direction du bulbe galactique, ou la densité d’étoiles est la plus grande. Mais de nouveau grands relevés du ciel, tel que LSST, ouvrent la voie à la détection de microlentilles dans toute la Voie Lactée. En parallèle, la mission de la NASA Roman promet la détection de 1500 planètes à l’horizon 2035. Je présenterai le potentiel et les défis liés à ces nouvelles missions ainsi que les différentes synergies observationnelles.