dim | lun | mar | mer | jeu | ven | sam |
Séminaire Arnaud Pierres : Evolution of planets in self-gravitating circumbinary discs
11 h 00 min
Séminaire Arnaud Pierres : Evolution of planets in self-gravitating circumbinary discs
@ Salle Univers 22
Avr 12 @ 11 h 00 min
To date, ten circumbinary planets orbiting around a close main sequence binary have beed detected by the Kepler space mission.[...]
Studying the magnetic fields and atmospheres of exoplanets, Jake Turner
11 h 00 min
Studying the magnetic fields and atmospheres of exoplanets, Jake Turner
@ Salle univers 21
Avr 26 @ 11 h 00 min
Detecting and studying the magnetic fields of exoplanets will allow for the investigation of their interior structure, rotation period, atmospheric[...]
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