Adrien Leuleu: Evolution of co-orbital exoplanets in protoplanetary discs

Quand :
2 mai 2019 @ 11 h 00 min – 12 h 00 min
Où :
Univers 21

Despite the existence of co-orbital bodies in the solar system, and the prediction of the formation of co-orbital planets by planetary system formation models, no co-orbital exoplanets (also called trojans) have been detected thus far. 
I will present my latest results regarding the stability of co-orbitals exoplanets under dissipation and mass change (accretion). An analytical model is developed to extract a stability criterion as function of the planetary masses and the dissipative forces. This criterion is then compared to both the evolution of co-orbital exoplanets in protoplanetary 1-D disc models, and hydrodynamics simulations. This study is a step toward understanding which should be the preferred configuration and environment of co-orbital exoplanets.