Ben Wu — Cloudy with a chance of massive stars: Connecting star cluster formation with its environment

Quand :
4 octobre 2019 @ 11 h 00 min – 12 h 00 min
Où :
Univers 21

Most stars form in clusters within giant molecular clouds (GMCs). However, the processes that induce the collapse and fragmentation of GMCs into star-forming clumps and cores are poorly understood. While the effects of turbulence and gravity have long been studied, the role of magnetic fields in the star formation process is only now becoming clear. In this talk, I present simulations and observations of forming star clusters to shed light on connections with their environments. First, I introduce magnetohydrodynamics simulations of GMCs evolving quiescently vs. those embedded in converging flows. The filamentary gas structures and star formation properties resulting from each scenario are quantified with particular attention given to the role of magnetic fields. These results are then compared with polarization studies as well as recent ALMA observations of massive star-forming clumps. Finally, I discuss work being done in the ongoing ALMA-IMF large program towards determining the origin of the stellar initial mass function (IMF).