Camille Bergez-Casalou – Simultaneous accretion of giant planets or how giant planets fight for food

Quand :
24 janvier 2023 @ 10 h 30 min – 12 h 30 min
Où :
B18N, Salle Univers

Speaker : Camille Bergez-Casalou (LESIA)

Title: Simultaneous accretion of giant planets or how giant planets fight for food

Abstract:  Among the thousands of exoplanetary systems observed nowadays, some of them host multiple giant planets, like in our Solar System. These giants are probably formed from the same protoplanetary disc. I’m going to present our recent paper where we investigated, with the help of 2D hydrodynamical simulations, how the gas present in the protoplanetary disc is distributed and accreted by two planetary cores. We start with 20 Me cores undergoing runaway gas accretion and follow the evolution of the planets mass ratio. We find that when the planets accrete from the same disc, they end up with very similar masses, independently on the disc viscosity or the delay in accretion between the planets. We finish by suggesting different formation scenarios in order to explain the observed exoplanets distribution.