César Gattano — It is shaking in the radio extragalactic celestial reference frame!

Quand :
7 novembre 2018 @ 11 h 00 min – 12 h 00 min
Où :
Univers 21

During the 90s, the keystones of the celestial reference system took distance since the community left a stellar realisation for an extragalactic realisation. Very long baseline interferometry [VLBI] is used in this purpose because it determines the absolute astrometric positions of thousands of active galactic nuclei with an accuracy of tens of microsecond of arc. The realisation of the extragalactic celestial reference frame by a well-chosen set of sources is at the basis of modern geodesy for wich scientific and societal challenges are regularly highlighted.

The VLBI astrometric accuracy stayed unrivaled for the 40 last years. Only the Gaia space mission competes VLBI nowadays. By skiping technical and technological challenges that allowed this feat from the ground, I will explain that this precision makes us sensitive to perturbations linked to the complex and animated physical structure of the active galactic nuclei. Until now, the adopted strategy for the realisation of a hyper-stable celestial reference frame is to put aside the seemingly most turbulent sources. I will give some elements that let us think this strategy will not be good enough at medium term. The challenges of the future for ever more accurate celestial frame will require the study of those sources and their regular monitoring in collaboration with the astrophysical community in order to understand (i) on which sources can we rely on to realize our celestial reference frame and (ii) given a source, can it be sufficiently stable on a finite time to be useful for the realisation of a celestial reference frame.