Edvige Corbelli — The intriguing relation between dust and gas in star forming galaxies

Quand :
10 décembre 2019 @ 11 h 00 min – 12 h 00 min
Où :
The formation of stars in galaxies is regulated by the amount of cold gas that can fragment into small clumps. Interstellar dust grains play a key role in this process shielding light  and providing sites for molecule formation. Dust grains are created and destroyed during galaxy evolution and how the current dust content relates to other internal properties, and to the environment, has been the aim of recent infrared survey and studies. I will outline the basic scaling relations involving dust and gas in star forming galaxies as well as some surprising recent results that suggest possible variations of the grain physical properties with local conditions in galaxy disks.  

Edvige Corbelli

INAF-Osservatorio di Arcetri

(Firenze – Italy)